Friday, March 27, 2009

Super J

And who is the one who overcomes
the world, but he who believes
that Jesus is the Son of God?
1 John 5:5

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been trying to impress upon our students the importance of believing in Jesus. In a society and world of broken trust, once again we face a dilemma. If we can’t trust those we see and even love, how can we trust Someone we cannot see? For some of us this goes without saying. How can we not trust in God? But, for those who are hearing this for the first time, it can be a little hard to fathom.
We have been blessed with a group of students who are very open to learning who God is and are very excited to hear about this wonderful Friend who will always be with them.
We are very excited about how God is opening such young hearts and minds to understand more about Him.
Every two weeks, we introduce a new Bible verse at three different levels. The students study, repeat, and memorize these verses. They each have a special book in which to place their new Bible verse sticker. Our motto for Bible study is ‘God’s Word I Have Hid in My Heart!’ As we tuck God’s word into our hearts and minds, we can suit up and be prepared to fight the enemy. When we are sad, we have His promises. When we are joyful, we sing His praises. When we are scared, we remember His comforting words. When we are confused, we rest in Him. We also place the verses around the room to help with tucking them in their hearts.Thursday’s class started and the rafter’s were ringing with the young voices.
“Who is the King of the universe, and who’s the King of me? I’ll tell you, J-E-S-U-S. He is the King of me . . . “ and “My God is so big, so big, so big!” We were having a blast! After all the singing they were quite thirsty. “Are you thirsty?” “Yes, may I have some water?” and the routine continued. Courtney took her station at the water machine and helped as she practiced their English conversation with them. Two little six year olds approached and started to sip their water. They noticed the ‘Super J’ logo on the machine and asked Courtney about it. She explained that it is for Super Jesus, our best friend and hero. One little boy said, “Well, he can’t be better than Superman, can He?” The other little kid responded with much vigor, “Of course He is. Jesus has special binoculars and He can see the whole world!” Yes, He is our Super Jesus and let’s not forget that He is watching out for us always. Never feel that you’ve been left alone or that there’s no hope! Jesus is ‘to the rescue’ just in time – His time. God Bless.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Preparing for Battle

He is my God, and
I will praise Him!

Exodus 15:2

It was so exciting to see that our young Beavers and Fireflies were ready to start prepping their armor for the battle. At EWAM, we teach the students about the reality of Satan and his power around us. It's so energizing to be able to not just show them the problem at hand, but to be able to supply them with the ammunition to fight and win this battle. We usually stick to basic Christian behavior and kid's worship songs for the very young. However, two of our younger classes have advanced enough in their English reading and understanding to begin their Bible memory work.
It is overwhelming to hear our students repeat their verses and then memorize them. Of course, there is an incentive (EWAM points and a treat from our treat box), but they enjoy tucking these mighty weapons into their hearts. With such a growing population and the societal issues that go along with that, these precious lives need guarding.
Our first Bible verse for these tiny tots is from Exodus. We pray that they will realize just who God is and that He is ours! When you think about children, you can understand the opportunity we have here in our little corner of the world. Children believe what they hear. They can feel God's love as they study and that paves the way for us to feed their desire to praise Him. As it says in Exodus, "I will praise Him."
We live in a world of 'doing'. Everyone is striving to be at the top of the 'fame' ladder. In all the doing, let's not forget that without love, it's useless. We can have it all and still miss the boat. Giving the most money to help the poor, praying the loudest, doing the 'biggest' jobs at church, etc. are all great you may think. Unfortunately, without a genuine love for God and those around us, we've wasted our time and energy. Love is the action! Faith and hope make up the foundation. So, once again there abides these three - Faith, hope, love - and the greatest of these is LOVE! I will Praise God, for He is my God!