God is near
us whenever
we call to Him.
Deuteronomy 4:7
It's been quite some time since our last update, but trust me there's been lots happening. Keep an eye out for our Mother's Day and Father's Day posts/videos. We had lots of fun sharing some Canadian tradition as well as a wonderful time of worship with our friends here.
As you all probably know, the North Korea situation has one more time become a bit unsettling for many. However, living here in the midst of it all seems to be less stressful than to those who receive the news abroad. Please take time today to say a special prayer for those who are suffering beyond what you and I could ever imagine. We are so blessed! We wake up to the beautiful rays of sunshine streaming in the window in the early morning hours. We rise from our beds, enjoy a wonderful breakfast, and step outside to breathe the morning air. No one is waiting outside to demand we give all of our service, money, energy, honor, life to the leader of our country. We live, love and laugh . . . and then we don't even think about it. Stop for a moment today and remember those who have family members somewhere in North Korea. Maybe they are dead, maybe they are alive! We were moved this past Sunday to listen to one of our friends talk through tear filled eyes about his missing family members. Love those close to you today!
As we try to feel the pain of those around us, and try to be a listening ear, we realize that the pain they have endured is one we can only barely attempt to understand. The following is a journal entry from one of our young students. It is our joy to be able to plant a desire in these young hearts to have a relationship with God and to know that He is in control . . . we don't need to be afraid! I hope this touches your heart like it did ours.
Monday June 15th, 2009
God . . .
God, North Korea is scary and they have many problems. God, please deliver them. They don't know You, so they have hard times and sad times. They have sadness, so we're sad because we are one land. But, we have different thinking. I am very sad and shy. Another land is together, but we all think of war. Everyone hates war, me too. God, North Korea is very poor. God, deliver everyone! I prayer in Jesus name, Amen!
God wants everyone delivered from evil and everyone to know His truth.
This is a child's heart! In response to one or our questions about her special Friend (God), she said that she has Him deep in her heart and talks to Him many times. What an encouragement to us all . . . be strong and lean on Him. He is our dearest friend. Have a blessed day and remember - you are special!