Well, this ‘red day’ also means a little rest time for us too. Rolling over to the sound of the wonderful morning call on my cell phone, I realized it didn’t know I was planning on sleeping in a little this morning. In this lovely world of technology, it still didn’t have enough courtesy to just let me sleep. To its surprise, I know where the ‘off’ switch is and chose it instead of the ‘ring again in 15 minutes’. Oh the bliss! And somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness is where I found myself for . . . Anyway, in a world of planes, trains, and automobiles – I rested!
Where will this year take us? As you can see, the rest doesn’t last long. We are busy these days prepping for our little English Mission to move into a new year of study. This year we will begin two new classes. One class will be a writing class and will help prepare middle school students for their English tests in high school and furthermore, university. The other class will be for a group of little jewels aged 5-6 in Korea.
The economy is tough, study is tough, families are having tough times, the future looks tough, but the hearts are soft and searching. Midst the hurt and hopelessness, how do we offer a bright ray of sunshine? We sing, we rejoice, we thank, we praise, we share God’s love . . . and smile!
This week’s memory verse at EWAM is taken from Philippians 4:4-5.
We can rejoice! We have so much to be thankful for. When we wake tomorrow morning and realize we have taken a breath to start a new day, let’s rejoice. Don’t let the material things around us steal our joy. We must not allow ourselves to become heated at the first little bump today, rather, we must think of the little things in life that we so easily forget (a close friend, a nice cup of coffee, a warm home, a smile that is returned each time it’s given, the ability to share a kind word with someone today, the opportunity to lift a prayer to our Father who cares about us . . . and the list goes on). So, why shouldn’t we rejoice today? Our rejoicing spirit must be passed on to those we meet. We must not forget that we are blessed. Heavenly Father, may others see the gentleness of You in us today. Amen!