A few Sundays ago I was sitting in morning worship pondering over the passage that the pastor was sharing with the congregation. In a pause in my thoughts, I looked up and although I had seen it every Sunday for the last three to four years, I was struck by the cross on the wall of the church. I got a little sidetracked from my sermon 'ponderings' and before could think about it anymore, I picked up my pencil and wrote, without hesitation, the following song. It is only brief but the words really speak to how lost we can sometimes feel when we are trying to 'preach Jesus'. Wonderfully, we serve a risen Savior, but when we look at the cross of our Lord, we should be pointing others in this direction. Just look, that cross . . . that empty cross is a story of who I was, am and hope to be. It is a sign of victory and hope in a world that has so little of either. Let us stop looking at one another. Let us stop looking at the next church. Let us stop looking at things that will satisfy our penchant for extracting the doom and gloom out of today's headlines. Let us embrace each other with the love of God. Let us pray for our brothers and sisters who are trying to make it one step at a time. Let us make a new headline. Let us look at the cross of Jesus and see sacrifice, servanthood, humility, and mostly, let us see love. Then, let us take that love that we discover there at the stump of a tree and share it with those around us. Here is a look at what I saw when I looked at the cross just a couple of mornings ago.
Look At the Cross
Verse 1:
He came to the earth
One cold Christmas morn
Oh how the Father’s heart
Must have been torn
But joy was restored
When my sin was lost
There is victory
When we look at the cross
Look at the cross
It’s empty and bare
Look at the cross
My Savior was there.
He bore my sin
Now new robes I wear
All I can say
Is look at the cross.
Verse 2:
He touched the blind
And then they could see
He healed the broken ones
And He set them free
He knew of me
And He paid the cost
Now I look at Him
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