Wednesday, February 18, 2009

God Hears

What can I write today? I'm sure many students search their minds for some interesting topic for their weekly journal. For others, it's a matter of searching the heart. All journals are precious, simply because we know how much effort each of these students put into getting their thoughts expressed in a foreign language. For many of us, writing in our own native language is a stretch. Try using a new language. The task multiplies exponentially.
Dear journal . . .
She began to write and her heart spilled across the page.
"Jesus was . . . Jesus gave good things to me. My petition is achieving more than my dream. So, my heart was satisfied and so excited. I'm like a new and strong eagle. God, I saw an eagle fly in the sky so beautiful and so strong. God, I have a hard time in society or every day. Everywhere, You give me like an eagle's power. Please . . . I pray in Jesus name. Amen."
The words of this twelve year old child are profound. Our hearts were touched deeply as we read. Knowing that one more heart is in touch with God on a personal level is overwhelming. In a society that places such demands on their lives, it is detrimental for youth to understand that God loves them, cares for them, and gives them hope.
Continue to surround these young lives with your prayers. Pray that each of them will be able to soar like an eagle and be strong midst the crushing pressure of the world around them.

1 comment:

  1. We continue to pray for So-hee (the writer of this journal) as she wades through the murky waters of her treatments. Pray for her that those 'Eagle's wings' will carry her to a higher point in her life.
